Are there angels among us?

This is a question I have often pondered? Today I heard a Christmas song that presented this very question and it made me stop and pray. I believe certainly there must be those we cannot see, but could it be that God will at times send an angel, visible to the human eye, to help in times of need. This my friend, I will answer with a true story of a life shaping moment that occurred to me and my precious Cully five years ago in a hotel of all places.

Cully was born in the fall of 2004. I was at a meeting with my husband in a hotel conference room and had brought Cully along because he was just a few weeks old and still depended on me for feeding. Cully began to fuss during the conference so I snuck out to the lobby to nurse him. While I sat there, feeding him ever so discreetly, I watched a hotel employee tend to the breakfast buffet, making sure it was clean and well stocked, however I noticed something very different about her. She was unusually joyful. As I sat there admiring her infectious joy from afar, I was interrupted by a page from my husband. He needed me to go to the front desk to retrieve a fax. I tidied up from my current task at hand and quickly scurried toward the desk clerk. I was holding Cully over my shoulder in a burping position because I had not had time to burp him after his rather large breakfast of warm milk. Propped up on my shoulder and facing outward, I heard a voice approach my son, and speak ever so gently to him. The voice sent chills down my backup  yet soothed me like nothing I had ever heard before. I could not yet see the face, and was perhaps a bit fearful to turn around, but the voice was that of an elderly woman and had a hint of the Caribbean islands. The voice was whispering to Cully, no more than five inches from my ear “You are gwana be okay. Yo Momma does not know dat yet, but you dance wit da angels while she is sleeping. You gwana be okay boy.”

Tears filled my eyes before I turned around and when I looked behind me I saw the lady I had been admiring cleaning the breakfast nook. She was dark and old. She had tooth outlined in gold  and a voice that somehow I knew I could trust. I wanted to hug her. I wanted her to stay with me, but it was a moment of awkward release for me. What she did not know was that from the moment of Cully’s birth, in the quiet moments of the night, while the rest of the house was sleeping, I stayed up worried that something was terribly wrong with my son. Would he die? Why was he different? What will he be like? Why is this happening? These were questions I was not even talking to my husband about yet, much less doctors. Cully was just a few weeks old, but intuitively I knew something was wrong and I was terrified.

I found out in that moment, at a hotel, from a buffet attendant that God was VERY much with me….crazy as it sounds, I believe He sent an angel on earth that day to tell me that “everyting was gwana be okay.” And He was right. Five years later, Cully is still genetically different and faces many challenges, yet God has been with us all along.

This Christmas season I want to remember the truest meaning of the season. God with us! EMMANUELLE!  I am praying that you have an “unusually joyful” Christmas this year. Praise Him!

Merry Christmas!


Tresh and family

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One response to “Are there angels among us?

  1. Tresh,
    That gives me chills too and brings tears to my eyes. I am going to share this story with many others. I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and we will see you again soon, hopefully!

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